Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How many Arab people live in Egypt today

How many Arab people live in Egypt today?
How many Arab people live in Egypt today?
Other - Cultures & Groups - 3 Answers
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1 :
Quite a lot, I'd say. Rough guess? More than a dozen.
2 :
All Egyptian are arabian and speak arabian language they are about 80 millions
3 :
Just for your information arab world consists of those countries: Gulf States: 1. Saudi Arabia 2. Bahrain 3. Kuwait 4. Oman 5. Emirates 6. Qatar 7. Iraq (Some how) 8. Yemen (Some how) The Levant: 1. Syria 2. Lebanon 3. Jordan 4. Palestine The Nile: 1. Egypt *** see arabs 2. Sudan 3. Somalia (not nile, but there is no place for them) 4. Djibouti (same as Somalia) Western Arabia 1. Morocco 2. Algeria 3. Libya 4. Tunisia 5. Mauritania We are more than 300,000,000 all one country all arabs

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

do you advice me to return back to live in Egypt

do you advice me to return back to live in Egypt?
I live in America now and thinking of returning back to live, get married and settled in Egypt. do you advice me to return back to live in Egypt?
Egypt - 14 Answers
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1 :
No... At least in the US you have freedom :)
2 :
I advise to finish your education, if you haven't already, and save up money, or if you have any assets to liquadate them (sell any house, car, etc you own, cash out a retirement/investment plan) Go to Egypt, put your money in a bank, and find an apt., then a car, and then a job. I also used to live in teh US and left. Freedom? ha2aw...shelaha ya freedom :P
3 :
Listen, and I will be very frank with you,, forget about who say(freedom),,, first: There is no absolute freedom any where, and also what freedom is lacking in Egypt,, unless you want to be a president ,,lol,, anyway Your country is 1) where you can make a living,2) where you have your beloved ones,, Egypt is easier to live of course,, if you have people you (love) besides the more (strict) laws , the more difficult is life ( I lived in Fl for years- and now I live in the Netherlands),, Anyway, I presume you are young ( I am not),,, and I presume you have a job in the States,, If you made (some money) and can do investment in Egypt,,, come back,, If not Stay there, It is very difficult to get a job in Egypt,,, and the reward will be less than you expect Finally, 20 years ago i would say there is a difference between (how kind the people are !!!) and that was an enough reason to come back,, Now, the evil powers , managed to spoil the Egyptians, and they are not better than in any place else,,, It may be even worse due to the crowd and the plenty of problems relating to that As for me,, i travel from time to time,, My case is different: No beloved ones in any place,,, and I established my carrier long time ago,,, that for me winter in Egypt is perfect,, and Summer,,, will I would prefer Europe,, (as i believe , no one own the land than God,, I am always in my home ,, the land of God,,and I do not care that much for people as I need no one) (conclusion) I feel you should stay for now...good luck
4 :
ESD said it all. I can't really say much more than that.
5 :
I agree with ESD (and YO!) lol....you should prepare first, then definately if you have family over there and you feel thats where your best situated then go! I wanna go so badly, iA when i finish my education here in the U.S i will move 2 egypt
6 :
It depends on what you can do in Egypt. Life here is more difficult of course and millions are looking for similar things [jobs, food, shelter ..etc] not enough resources for the 80 millions [at least no fair distribution of wealth] If you can invest or you have already an offer to work or to do something in Egypt, it would be good to return now. If not and you want to return anyway later, try to save some good money and learn how to make business [suitable to Egypt] you can also make kind of business that you can travel to Egypt and outside Egypt, that can be one of the most comfortable solutions for many people. If you finish your education and already have good amount of money, you may come and make a new family here. Good luck
7 :
really depends on u i guess u know the pros and cons in every country
8 :
That is a very difficult question to answer... I've known many people who have left Egypt then felt that they are unable to settle in foreign countries. Look. I know some people have said to go back to Egypt because its easy and you are with your loved ones and all that... BUT, you have to ask yourself WHY you left Egypt in the first place... There are so many people in Egypt who would die to be in your position and I know because I have family in Egypt who are willing to kill themselves to get out... Egypt is not a bad place, but some people find it hard to make a living and therefore decide to find a place where they CAN make a living. You have to try as hard as possible to make America your home, maybe you could get married and live there with your wife and make yourself a nice home and lifestyle for yourself and your future children... My parents left Egypt when they were 30 years old, they had my brothers and me all in Australia, where I live now, and they brought us up as good Muslims... they struggled in the beginning being far away from family, not knowing how to speak english and not knowing a single person... but they made it, and they have never looked back. If you are still adamant on leaving America and going to Egypt then that is fine, but if you left Egypt to escape the politics and all the 2araf, then you owe it to yourself to try... You must have spent a lot of money for visa and all the other expenses of relocating to America... I will give you one more example. We know several people who left Egypt with their families trying to make a better life for their families here in Australia (and I'm sure there are many cases in America of the same nature) but after a few years of trying they gave up and left to go back to Egypt. Not everyone is able to stick it out and stay in a foreign country on their own... but many people make it and never regret their decision for doing so. Its up to you, but I gave you many examples for why you should try and make it work. Good Luck.. :)
9 :
If you were born in the states or lived most of your life there the answer is NO, you will not like living here. If you are happy where you are now, the answer is NO again. If you only went to the US to make money and never integrated into the society, if you feel like a stranger; then GO BACK. If you like the chaotic undisciplined life, corruption and religious hypocrisy of most of the Egyptian society today GO BACK. If you are an American citizen you will feel "protected" when you are back, if you are not; better stay where you are and don't believe all the preaching about freedom and human rights no one is safe from injustice here, if you ever lived in Egypt you will understand what I'm talking about.. Good luck
10 :
It's up to u to go there or not. I would suggest for u to go there for like a week and visit it. Then come back to America and decide. Good luck!
11 :
No don't. I am living ur future. I used to live in America too. returned to Egypt, got married n settled there... now I'm hella regretting the day I returned to this country. seriously, stay in usa, get married to an Egyptian who lives in usa n settle down ur life there. ur life will be better this way. I wish I did that, but now I'm being stuck in egypt with my husband who can't go to usa cuz all his work is here. life here is so boring and complicated. I wish I can go back to the states sooner than later. Everything there is so much easier. God Bless America
12 :
The same way you left. Weird question
13 :
after education and decent money in the US, go back to Egypt where your family is..after all, mafeesh a7laaa men masr fe wast ahlak we nasak =)
14 :
i would say that you, FOR SURE, should stay in the America. i used to live in the UK and then i moved to egypt coz i wanted to be with family and i thought that life would be very easy. in fact i found the completely diffrent life here is very diffecult, if ur used to the way of life in america, have u been there for a long time?? then u will find it very diffecult living here just like i am. there is way tooo many things to write on here about all the bad things that are here, that u would have never experinced, and that u probably would never like to have to put up with! if i where u, i would stay in america.....its much better hope that helped :)

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I presently live in Egypt,and am from Nigeria.How can i apply for Kosovo visa,since embassy is not here in Egy

I presently live in Egypt,and am from Nigeria.How can i apply for Kosovo visa,since embassy is not here in Egy?
Egypt.Can someone just tell me what i can do?
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
Kosovo, presently recognized by about 36% of the member countries of the United Nations does not have an Embassy in Egypt since Egypt does not recognize the independence declaration of Kosovo at present. A visa is not required to enter the country, however tourists must hold a hotel voucher/ reservation to be granted a 90 days entry stamp. Business travellers must hold a sponsor letter which has been coordinated with and approved by the authorities of Kosovo. http://www.timaticweb.com/cgi-bin/tim_website_client.cgi?SpecData=1&VISA=&HEALTH=&page=both&NA=NG&AR=00&DE=RK&VT=EG&EM=EG&PASSTYPES=PASS&user=SKYWEB&subuser=SKYWEB1 .. The only way to transit without visa to Pristina for a Nigerian passport holder is via Turkey. If the connecting flight to the third country does not require an overnight stay in Turkey, then no visa is necessary. In other words, Turkey does not issue Airport Transit Visa (ATV). http://www.konsolosluk.gov.tr/InfoNotes/IN_Item.aspx?ID=300 ..
2 :
Kosovo is still a disputed territory ...keep out

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I live in Egypt and i dont think that Drontal for cat's tapeworms is available, is there a substitution

I live in Egypt and i dont think that Drontal for cat's tapeworms is available, is there a substitution?
I used to give my cat fluvermal but it doesnot work.
Cats - 2 Answers
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1 :
selemectin works on my cats. It's a once a month treatment for tape, round, and hook worms Also it treats ear mites, fleas, ticks. That cat will be doing well on this med. There are many places to order it online.
2 :
Instead of posting this question three times in a row how about GOING TO A VET so that the vet can give you the medicine you need??????? You also need to get your cat on a monthly flea treatment as cats get tapeworm by ingesting a flea that has the tapeworm larvae inside it.

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