Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I presently live in Egypt,and am from Nigeria.How can i apply for Kosovo visa,since embassy is not here in Egy

I presently live in Egypt,and am from Nigeria.How can i apply for Kosovo visa,since embassy is not here in Egy?
Egypt.Can someone just tell me what i can do?
Immigration - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Kosovo, presently recognized by about 36% of the member countries of the United Nations does not have an Embassy in Egypt since Egypt does not recognize the independence declaration of Kosovo at present. A visa is not required to enter the country, however tourists must hold a hotel voucher/ reservation to be granted a 90 days entry stamp. Business travellers must hold a sponsor letter which has been coordinated with and approved by the authorities of Kosovo. http://www.timaticweb.com/cgi-bin/tim_website_client.cgi?SpecData=1&VISA=&HEALTH=&page=both&NA=NG&AR=00&DE=RK&VT=EG&EM=EG&PASSTYPES=PASS&user=SKYWEB&subuser=SKYWEB1 .. The only way to transit without visa to Pristina for a Nigerian passport holder is via Turkey. If the connecting flight to the third country does not require an overnight stay in Turkey, then no visa is necessary. In other words, Turkey does not issue Airport Transit Visa (ATV). http://www.konsolosluk.gov.tr/InfoNotes/IN_Item.aspx?ID=300 ..
2 :
Kosovo is still a disputed territory ...keep out

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